Welcome to our website!
Welcome to our website, www.archcincyccos.org, the digital home of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Catholic Committee on Scouting. It will be kept up-to-date with the most recent news, including announcements, upcoming events, any updates to programs, and more. Please explore the new site, and if you have any suggestions or edits, please feel free to reach out to Chair Bro. Andrew Kosmowski at [email protected]. Thank you!
What is the Catholic Committee on Scouting?
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Catholic Committee on Scouting (ACCoS) is a committee of Catholic lay people that promotes the mission of Scouting is Youth Ministry. They accomplish this by reinforcing the twelfth point of the Scout Law of A Scout is Reverent throughout the local Boy Scouts of America councils and Archdiocesan youth groups.
The committee works with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Office of Youth Evangelization and Discipleship to strengthen the presence of the Catholic faith in Scouting. The Committee serves the following councils of the Boy Scouts of America: Dan Beard, Miami Valley, Tecumseh, Black Swamp, and Simon Kenton.